Is it possible to heal a wound without using a needle? using Dermaclip

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If you ask the same question, I will tell you that yes, it can be done, and the device that allows it to be done easily is called a Dermaclip.

When we have an accident and our skin is cut, the doctor stitches it back together so that it can heal, but taking stitches can be more painful than the injury itself. Because of the pain, many people are afraid to have surgery. However, a new device has emerged that has been in use for a long time and will provide some relief from this pain because the needle may no longer be used in stitches.

What is it?

This device is known as a dermaclip, and it can be used to close an injury site without the use of needles. It uses sutures, surgical staples, and skin glues that are completely safe. It is used in skin healing. Many awards have been bestowed upon the creators of this one-of-a-kind device.

How its work?

The company has patented its design, and this device is very easy to use; it has plastic hinges with tape on the bottom. A completely secure coating is applied to the tape. It is used in the production of adhesives. It is very simple; simply stick it on the injured area and, once well adhered, pull both plastic hinges in opposite directions, causing the tape below to shrink and the cut skin to join together.

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How long does it work?

As you can see, it is very simple to use, and stitching the wound can be done in minutes. Once that is pasted, it also sticks for 7 to 10 days, which is a very good thing.

You can watch this video which is I mentioned below so that you can understand how it works

Today, science is advancing rapidly, and such new medical innovations will benefit not only humans but also many other living beings.