9 best free keyword research tools in 2025 for Blogging and YouTube

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You are tired of searching for the best free keyword research tools for SEO? If you are a blogger, YouTuber, etc. you hear a one-term Keyword which is one of the basic terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) but I don’t think so in my opinion Keyword is the most necessary and important part of the blog, article or a youtube video, Making a blog, website.

A YouTube channel was too easy everyone made his or owned this property with the normal efforts but the hard work begins after owning these properties because as a beginner you are doing hard work and posting article after article but your articles not getting views because the biggest source to getting an organic view is search Engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others,

These search engines work on the visitor’s queries and your post does not have keywords that match with a visitor’s queries that’s why the search engine does not rank your post even if you have a post regarding the visitor’s question. That’s why you have to learn about SEO and the most important thing is Keyword Research and opting for the focused keywords in your blog post/Articles and others like YouTube.

And as a beginner, I don’t recommend you opt for a pro version of the keyword research tools in this article we discuss 9 useful best free keyword research tools in 2024 for keyword research one more thing if you are a beginner first submit your website on Google and if you don’t know how to submit see my video in Hindi by clicking this button.

Here are the top 9 best free keyword research tools of 2024 for your SEO campaign:

In the current scenario, it isn’t easy to find completely free SEO tools but I managed these well-known SEO tools which are free SEO services please check first!

  1. SEMrush: Free domain lookups with keyword detail
  2. The Google Keyword Planner
  3. Answerthepublic: a free topical search tool
  4. Alsoasked.Com: another free topical search tool
  5. SpyFu: limited keyword research for free What to look for in a great free keyword tool
  6. Keyword Surfer: a free Chrome extension for keyword research
  7. Ubersuggest: a free keyword suggestion tool
  8. Moz: free domain analysis feature
  9. KWFinder: limited free keyword research for SEO

But before we jump into these tools you should remember this thing first in the free keyword research for SEO, you go through stages to understand what keyword searches your audience performs and how to use them. Keyword tools will be useful for discovery, categorization, and keyword list building. Let’s look at some of the things we look for in a great keyword analysis tool.

First thing just imagine the keywords that relate to your topic, because if he relates to the topic then the visitor stays and reads your article,  Some tools help you get perspective by adding a few data layers and questions you may not have considered.

In keyword research, you must understand not only what the right keywords are, but their frequency how many times they will search on the search engine, the traffic they drive, how difficult they are to rank, and the (CPC)  cost to buy advertising to appear on them. One more thing These free tools sometimes impose limits and reserve that data for paid versions.

How difficult it is to rank for a keyword depends on the CPC (cost per click) in paid search and on several SEO factors, such as the number of sites that rank, the strength of backlinks profiles (for example: if you link YouTube page on your website it is a backlink for youtube it also helps to rank your site on the google), and the strength of domains authenticity. So always select the keywords that have less difficulty or ease.

One pro tip is to keep your keyword diverse and choose a targeted audience, you need an analytics tool as I mentioned above Google Webmaster, you choose Google Analytics as well to know your customers and visitors where they are from (Country) after knowing your targeted audience choose keyword according to your targeted country to maximize rank your website chances on the search result.

best free keyword research tool semrush

SEMrush is a paid tool providing a complete set of SEO and paid search features. It offers a free domain lookup feature giving you immediate access to a comprehensive view of a domain’s activity in organic and paid searches. You can look up your domain or competitors’ domain, and view organic vs paid search trends it will show you strategic insight, and It also illustrates paid search strategies at a glance. The best alternative is Ubersuggets which is mentioned below.

best free keyword research tool google planner
Google Planner

Google Keyword Planner is the best thing for you it has so many free tools. You can use it both as a domain lookup tool and as a list generator from seed keywords you can download it as an Excel sheet. It provides rough metrics for volumes and CPCs. It’s intended for building CPS search campaigns to access and use these tools you need to have a Google account.

best free keyword research tool answer the public

Seriously AnswerThePublic is a great tool I love the website UI and the overall appearance the best part is you don’t need to log in to continue his services on the home page you need to input your keyword and the location where you have a target audience then he combines all the related queries regarding your keyword so you have an Idea that your topic is popular or not, the result showing on this site was graphical so it is also the best point, You can also download these result as an MS Excel file so you can analyze it after and it is reliable because it is a part of popular website Ubersuggest.

AnswerThePublic is a great tool for keyword research and if you love this tool you can also upgrade it.

best free keyword research tool also asked.com

You can say it is an alternative tool to AnswerThePublic, AlsoAsked.Com must have been inspired by AnswerThePublic. It takes the concept of questions one step further, shows you additional queries, and finds more questions related to your keywords. It’s a categorization tool that outputs several questions that can guide your content strategy and you don’t need to sign up to a search for 3 results.

best free keyword research tool AlsoAsked result
AlsoAsked Result

When querying AlsoAsked.Com for “Amazon marketing,” in the India region the tool provides several questions that are categorized around various concepts like “What is an Amazon marketing channel,” “Why is Amazon growing so fast,” and more.

best free keyword research tool Spyfu

The best thing is no need to sign up for basic search Initially a competitive keyword research tool for paid and organic search, SpyFu has evolved into a platform that provides a broad range of features, including search data and backlinks analysis, and rank tracking it shows you related keywords, a question regarding your keywords too.

SpyFu will identify your competitors and look at the keyword overlap sections where you can find your strengths and weaknesses and of course, identify opportunities and priorities with his fantastic UI for your organic and paid search, you can also download files in a PDF format one of the best free keyword research tools in 2022.

best free keyword research tool Keyword Sufer
Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free and super cool Chrome extension that pulls relevant keyword metrics into your browser as an overlay when using Google. You can toggle it on and off, and it’s a useful tool for your keyword discovery phase, where you are trying to understand where and how to concentrate your efforts, you can get tons of keyword ideas with this free tool in Google Chrome.

The Keyword Surfer Chrome extension overlays information as you search results, allowing you to see all the useful keyword metrics and trend information necessary to evaluate a keyword trust me it is one of the best free keyword research tools list.

best free keyword research tool ubersuggest

Ubersuggest started as a simple Google Suggest scraper, collecting and aggregating data from the suggested keywords in the search bar for keyword suggestions. It’s evolved into a fully-fledged SEO tool and remains free (Now some products are paid versions but the price was so competitive compared to his completion), providing keyword metrics including keyword difficulty scores and his founder Neil Patel also hosts tutorials and SEO help videos from time to time.

Ubersuggest presents keywords from Google Suggest ordered by interest and with additional metrics like trends, search volume, estimated CPC and keyword difficulty with the simplistic UI and you also download this data as a spreadsheet file.

best free keyword research tool Moz

Moz Pro is a complete all-rounder  SEO tools suite that provides site crawl, keyword tracker, backlinks analysis, and domain lookups. It’s a paid tool but offers free access to domain lookups where you get a view of competitors, top keywords, and even frequently asked questions relating to a site. A great place to go for a quick domain lookup.

The free domain lookup feature from Moz provides a great initial overview of a domain’s SEO characteristics and main keywords but for keywords now it will give you only 10 searches in a month.

best free keyword research tool KWFinder

Seriously I love KWFinder, It stands out for its ease of use for building keyword lists. The free version gives you a limited number of keyword lookups per day, and the results pages will give you all the relevant metrics for your keywords.

KWFinder provides an easy-to-use keyword lookup providing all the metrics you need for evaluating a keyword always use this tool to collect keyword ideas.

Read More: What is a CDN, and what is the benefit of CDN?

Do your keyword research now, while these tools are the best free keyword research tools.

I hope these awesome best free keyword research for SEO articles help you remember your site is not ranked on Google and other search engines in one night you need to practice good SEO techniques in every block post do hard work properly and focus on your content maintain a good quality of the content and the visitors of your site reward you.

If you’re building an SEO capability or practice, use the free offers to figure out which best free keyword research tools suit you before signing up for a paid version. You won’t regret it — and the paid versions are even better and offer you the best stuff.

Do you like this information about free keyword research tools for SEO? If you have any questions regarding this topic please comment below!

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Video Language Hindi, Video Courtesy: Amit Tiwari

en English
Free Keyword research tools in 2022 for Blogging, Youtube
Free Keyword research tools in 2022 for Blogging, Youtube