10 Basic Smartphone Photography Hacks to Elevate Your Shots

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Smartphones have revolutionized the way we take photos. Gone are the days when photography involved carrying heavy cameras and lenses. In today’s world, smartphones have made it possible for everyone to take photos anytime and anywhere. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, good photography skills are essential to elevate your online presence. The following are 10 basic smartphone photography hacks to boost your shots.

The 10 basic smartphone photography hacks are written below:

1. Know Your Camera

Before you start shooting, it’s important to know your smartphone camera’s features and settings. You can experiment with different modes and settings to see what works best for you.

2. Rule of Thirds

smartphone photography rules of grid lines
Image Source: Pexels

The rule of thirds is an essential photography technique that involves dividing your frame into thirds horizontally and vertically. Placing your subject at the intersection points creates a more balanced and visually appealing composition.

The rule of thirds is a fundamental composition guideline in photography that helps create visually pleasing and balanced images. It involves dividing the frame into a grid of nine equal parts by placing two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines.

The main subject or points of interest should ideally be placed along these lines or at their intersections, known as the “power points.” This technique adds interest, balance, and tension to the composition, guiding the viewer’s eye and creating a sense of harmony. By applying the rule of thirds, photographers can enhance the overall visual impact of their images and create compelling compositions.

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3. Lighting

smartphone photography camera exposure
Photo by Almada Studio

Good lighting is essential for great photos. Try to avoid harsh direct sunlight or bright overhead lights. Instead, opt for soft natural light or diffused indoor lighting.

3.1 Golden Hour

Golden hour is the period after sunrise or before sunset when the light is soft and warm. This is the best time to capture stunning photos.

3.2 Backlighting

Backlight also plays an important role in smartphone photography, Using backlighting in your photos can produce a captivating and dramatic effect. Place your subject in front of the light source to create a silhouette or a halo effect.

4. Focus and Exposure

The autofocus feature on your smartphone camera can help you achieve sharp and clear photos. You can also adjust the exposure by tapping on the screen to brighten or darken your image.

If you don’t know what a Camera Exposure is? Camera Exposure refers to the amount of light that enters the camera sensor when capturing a photo or video. It plays a crucial role in determining the brightness and overall quality of the image.

Exposure is controlled by three key factors: aperture, ISO sensitivity, and shutter speed, Aperture refers to the size of the camera’s opening, ISO sensitivity determines the sensor’s sensitivity to light, and shutter speed controls the duration of the camera’s exposure to light, Finding the right balance between these factors is essential to achieve well-exposed photos with accurate colors and proper detail.

Smartphone cameras often have automatic exposure settings that adjust these parameters based on the lighting conditions. Additionally, advanced smartphones may offer manual controls, allowing users to fine-tune the exposure settings for more creative control. Understanding and mastering smartphone camera exposure can significantly enhance photography skills and produce stunning images with smartphones.

5. Composition

smartphone photography
Photo by Devon Rockola

Composition refers to the deliberate arrangement of elements within your photograph, allowing you to create a visually pleasing and impactful image. Try to use leading lines, symmetry, or patterns to create a visually pleasing image.

Image composition refers to the arrangement and organization of elements within a photograph or any visual image. It involves the deliberate placement of subjects, objects, lines, shapes, colors, and other elements to create a visually pleasing and impactful composition. The goal of image composition is to guide the viewer’s eye and convey a specific message or evoke certain emotions.

Techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, balance, and framing are commonly used to create a harmonious and balanced composition. A well-composed image captures the viewer’s attention, conveys the intended message effectively, and enhances the overall visual appeal.

6. Angles

Changing your angle can create a different perspective in your photo. Try shooting from above, below, or at eye level to create unique shots.

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7. Edit Your Photos

Editing is one of the important parts of smartphone photography it is very necessary to improve your shots.

Editing your photos is a creative process that allows you to enhance and transform your images, giving them a professional touch and making them visually appealing. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a professional, photo editing tools and software offer a wide range of features and options to improve the quality, composition, colors, and overall aesthetic of your photographs.

Photo editing allows you to correct imperfections, adjust exposure and contrast, remove unwanted elements or distractions, and fine-tune various aspects to achieve the desired look and feel. You can apply filters, crop or resize images, sharpen details, or experiment with different artistic effects to create unique and visually striking visuals.

Editing photos also involves retouching, which involves refining portraits by removing blemishes, reducing wrinkles, adjusting skin tones, and enhancing facial features. This technique helps in achieving a polished and professional appearance while maintaining the natural beauty of the subject.

Furthermore, photo editing enables you to unleash your creativity and add artistic flair to your images. You can apply various effects, such as black and white, vintage, or HDR (High Dynamic Range), to create a specific mood or evoke emotions. Additionally, you can play with color adjustments, saturation, and tone to achieve a specific style or to create a cohesive visual identity for a series of photos.

In today’s digital era, photo editing has become accessible to everyone. With user-friendly software and mobile apps, you can edit your photos directly on your smartphone or computer, making it convenient and enjoyable to enhance and personalize your images. Whether it’s for social media, personal projects, or professional portfolios, photo editing allows you to transform your photos into captivating visual stories.

In conclusion, photo editing is a powerful tool that empowers you to enhance, refine, and unleash your creativity in transforming your photographs. It offers a wide range of possibilities to improve the quality, composition, and overall visual impact of your images, enabling you to create stunning visuals that leave a lasting impression.

Apps like: lightroom, Picsart, and Google’s Snapseed help you to edit your photographs.

8. Add Filters

Filters have the power to impart a distinctive essence to your photographs, infusing them with unparalleled charm. Embrace the art of exploration by experimenting with various filters, unveiling the one that perfectly complements your personal style.

9. Clean Your Lens

A dirty lens can ruin your smartphone photography shots. Always make sure to clean your smartphone lens before taking photos.

10. Practice

Developing your smartphone photography skills relies on consistent practice. Embrace experimentation, fearlessly embracing errors along the way. With dedicated practice, your abilities will flourish, leading to remarkable growth.

In conclusion, these 10 basic smartphone photography hacks can elevate your shots and help you capture stunning photos. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, these techniques can improve your photography skills and help you stand out on social media.

Images are being used for representation only, Image Source:

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Is it possible to take professional-quality photos with a smartphone?

Absolutely! With the right techniques and knowledge, you can capture exceptional photos with a smartphone.

Do I need expensive equipment for smartphone photography?

No, the beauty of smartphone photography is that it eliminates the need for expensive equipment. Your smartphone is enough to get started.

Which editing apps are recommended for smartphone photography?

There are many great editing apps available for Android as well as for iOS users.